Michelle S
Lift Yoga Studio Instructor
RYT 200

Michelle is a 200 RYT specializing in vinyasa flow (all-levels), warm flow, and power flow classes. Fitness has been an integral part of her life: D1 collegiate cheerleading, CrossFit, HIIT, skiing, tennis, mountain-biking, paddle-boarding etc. Only on occasion would Michelle dabble into yoga for stretching. In 2019, she experienced her first Bikram and hot vinyasa disciplines and was hooked on yoga as a lifestyle. She left these classes feeling as though she received a cardio workout, strength/conditioning, stretching, relaxation, and rest all rolled into one- complete bliss! Michelle is passionate about sharing these same benefits with her students and feels that yoga is the supreme practice that stimulates yet also quiets the mind and provides both energy and tranquility. She loves to choreograph unique flows for her classes that offer a variety of options for everyone at all levels to receive the benefits they wish. Michelle’s desire is that students leave her classes feeling encouraged, invigorated, relaxed, and wanting more yoga!