Tracey M
Lift Yoga Studio Instructor
RYT 200

In November of 2021 I felt a pull to create a more meaningful and well-balanced lifestyle for myself. One that would nourish and strengthen my mind body and spirit. After some soul searching, that pull landed me at Lift Yoga + Body in Alpharetta. And there is where my yoga journey began. It began as a student taking corrective alignment sessions with Holly B. As these sessions came to an end, I gradually began taking some yoga classes at the studio. While feeling the benefits and inspiration from Lift and the community brought to my life, I then decided to take on the 200 hour yoga teacher training at Lift in Alpharetta. This decision changed the quality of my life. Yoga became an essential part of my mindset and an integral part of my existence. I was curious and excited to see where this would lead me. Yoga became something I loved and I wanted to share what I learned with my community, family and friends. My teaching style is gentle and I love creating a class that is paired with music and a flow that allows space for slowing things down and quieting the mind. My Sankalpa {heartfelt vow} is to continue to learn and grow at my own gentle pace, so I can instruct from a place of knowledge and experience. My hope is to be an inspiration in someone else’s journey to wherever they are journeying to with the gifts of yoga.